Because there is a research showing higher success rate for dental implants that were done by specialists. Dr. Pakawat from our clinic is the only Diplomate American Board of Prosthodontics and Oral Implantology in Asia-Pacific.
No, it’s not painful as you might think because the procedure has to be very gentle and atraumatic to get the best result.
Age is not the contraindication or limitation for dental implants. However, some systemic disease is the contraindication such as uncontrolled diabetes.
From more than 50 years of research, dental implants show 95% success rate which is considered very high in medical field since there is nothing 100% in this field. If the patients can take a good care of oral hygiene, dental implants can last very long. As a reminder, the long term result is better if they were done by specialists.
No, because dental implant is titanium. However, if the patients do not take good care of oral hygiene, gingival inflammation can happened. Therefore, dental check-up and cleaning every 6 months is recommended to help reduce this problem.
Normally, there is 4 appointments:
1) dental implant placement
2) follow-up (2 weeks later)
3) impression (2 months later)
4) dental implant crown delivery (1 week later)
At our clinic, we only use the dental implant systems that are the leader in the world with a very long term research background. Moreover, knowledge and experience of our specialist that has been trained exclusively for this field will make you confident that your dental implants are in good hands and will be with you for a long time. Therefore, the overall treatment cost might look high but it is actually not when comparing with your better quality of life and chewing efficiency like natural teeth.
Because dental implants can be anchored in the jaw when there is bone 360 degree around them. However, tooth extraction causes natural bone resorption. As a result, the dimension of native bone is smaller than the size of dental implant. Bone grafting will be needed to replace the missing bone in this kind of situation.
The same as natural teeth. Some prostheses might need special brush. Patients need to brush and floss everyday and come for check-up and cleaning every 6 months to prevent gingival inflammation around dental implants.
No tasty and hot food during the 1st week. No smoking and alcohol for 1-2 weeks. Normal brushing and do not use mouth rinse due to possible irritation.
Because some patients have dark gum from smoking or genetic.
Gum bleaching will be done by laser beam that remove melanin pigment in the gingiva and turn it in to normal pink colour.
No, it does not even need anaesthetic injection. Only topical anaesthesia is enough.
Around half an hour to an hour for the procedure. The gum will turn into pink colour within 1-2 weeks
Full mouth rehabilitation is the whole mouth change of teeth shape, colour, plane, and occlusion in order to restore function, aesthetics, and stability of teeth that has been destroyed and worn down from abnormal function and situation.
Specialist will make crowns on every worn teeth in order to correct occlusal plane and increase vertical dimension of the lower face (look younger) by proper length of each tooth. There will a period that patient has to be on temporary crowns to adapt to this new position before definitive crowns can be made. In case of missing teeth, replacement of teeth by dental implant, bridge of denture will be needed in order to decrease wear rate of remaining teeth.
Because increasing the length of teeth can not be done on couple teeth. It has to be done all together the whole mouth at the same time.
Normally, 1-2 months. However, if dental implant has to be used then it will need 2-4 months more.
No, the whitening gel only remove organic colour of the teeth. There is no harm to the teeth.
Because of the dryness of the teeth surface which will be back to normal in 3-4 days after. Nevertheless, home bleaching is less sensitive compared to in-office bleaching.
The colour of whitened teeth can be changed depending on the degree of smoking, type of food and drink. Nevertheless, the colour will not go back to its original. It can be correct with home bleaching for 1 week in case the teeth become yellower.
The quantity and quality of bleaching products that sell over the counter is not controlled by the dentists. Therefore, it might cause damage to patient’s teeth.
In some cases such as tetracycline teeth or fluorosis teeth, teeth whitening can not make the whole tooth white because there is defect inside the tooth. These teeth might need veneer to cover the defect after the whitening for the best result.
Stay away from smoking, dark food or drink during the teeth whitening process.
Veneer is thin tooth-colour material (mostly ceramic) that place on the front surface of the tooth in order to change alignment, colour and shape of the tooth.
To correct size, shape, colour, alignment, and space of teeth that is not beautiful.
It is case by case. Normally, veneer can correct small crowding and spacing but not in every case.